Disclamer; please don’t take it too seriously it’s just my opinion.

My 3 most hated charactes:

  1. mrs choksondik (the character i found so hatefull)
  2. principal pc (I seriously can’t stand him)
  3. Tweek (he one I found most anoying)
  • mellowfellow261@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I don’t know if I truly hate any of the characters, but here are my least favorite ones (in no particular order):

    1. Miss Crabtree: I just feel like she doesn’t offer much apart from the placeholder character who drove the school bus early on in the show, and most of the time when she spoke, it was just annoying screaming. Wasn’t too sad to see her go in season 8.

    2. Towelie: Apparently a lot of people really like Towelie and I just don’t understand why. He’s not funny at all in my opinion, all he does is smoke weed and tell people to always “bring a towel” That’s literally it. I get no enjoyment out of him and I don’t get why he’s a fan favorite.

    3. Mr. And Mrs. Stotch: I know I said I don’t really hate any of the characters, but I might have to make an exception here. Honestly, the whole running joke of Butters getting bullied in general got old for me after a certain period of time, and sometimes was downright unpleasant to watch, especially at the hands of his stupidly evil parents. Plus, abusive parent characters are going to easy to hate no matter what.