I have my brother-in-law for Christmas secret Santa and he asked for some books , he’s fairly sporty guy has 4 kids , big golfer so I also intend to get something along that line but I have had “a little life”on my book shelf I just haven’t gotten around to reading it, and I don’t like to read too much about a book before hand. SO basically I’m asking if it would be a good book to give to him as part of his Christmas gift or will he actually hate me and my guts if and when he reads it? 😂😅 I know it’s a life changing book about friendship surrounding a group of guys but that’s about it !!
i love the book but honestly it’s not the best book to gift someone. it’s insanely depressing and ruined me for a while. but i knew what i was getting myself into
Unless you know the person’s reading tastes, I wouldn’t. But I probably wouldn’t gift any book without knowing something about the recipient’s tastes.
You’ve got 30 days to read it and then you can make a decision, but I’m not sure I’d want to spend the ‘happiest time of the year’ reading it.
Let me phrase it like this: if I weren’t from Germany, where burning books is not an option for obvious reasons I would have gladly set that monstrosity of a book on fire.
This book was very sad and hard to read at times. I cried throughout and felt a little shaken up upon completion. I agree with the others that this would be a pretty odd gift, unless the person requested it.
Do NOT give that book as a gift. Dead dove, do not eat.