I’ve been waiting for the thraxa fight since the first season came out and I read the comics

The first season is some of the best television we’ve received in a long time and it expands so perfectly on the comics

I’m not gonna drop a extensive look I’m just gonna tell yall how I feel

The spread I added above is what I’ve been dying to see adapted, I really wanted to see those bits in the background actually animated out so we could see how they reached this point in the fight

Not 10 quick hits and then you see them like this for 1 second and then it’s over like in the comics

Now why am I complaining about a scene that’s pretty accurate? CUZ SEASON 1 SPOILED ME AND I DONT WANT COMIC ACCURATE, give me another omni man vs guardians level fight

The animation got worse, feels like half the episode was wasted to sad people walking to sad songs (not bad scenes, just dragged)

Just feel a lil miffed

Obviously I should be glad we got anything at all and I still very much enjoyed it, but compared to season 1, season 2 is kinda lackluster so far. IMO (in my opinion, ik yall know what this means but I’m just reexclaiming it’s jus my opinion and I’m glad to hear why I’m wrong down below)