I’ve been reading the comic for the past few days because I’m too impatient to wait for show episodes and I’ve read the first 40 issues and I have a question regarding how Dupli-Kate’s powers work and I’m wondering if anyone can answer.

In issue #40 Dupli-Kate dies along with Shrink Ray and Rex-splode while fighting the Lizard League but she states in that very issue that as long as a single copy of her remains alive she will survive. If that’s so, then why doesn’t she just keep a copy of herself hidden away far from the fighting in safety so there’s no risk of her dying? Is there a distance limit to her powers, or something? Must her duplicates remain in close enough proximity to each other in order to work? I dunno, just seems like a stupid way to kill her off and that there was an easy solution to keep her alive that Kirkman could’ve come up with.

Can someone explain her powers to me without spoiling future issues in case she actually did keep a copy of herself safe and is alive or gets resurrected or something. There was a funeral held for her as stated in a discussion between Black Samson and Immortal so either she’s really dead in a stupid way or faked her own death for whatever reason. If the latter is the case I’d appreciate it if no one confirmed that in the comments, thanks.