Just started watching the show after seeing some really cool clips of bojack being a horrible person and not going to lie it’s been … rough. I’m really liking the show and the humour is great and all but it feels so grim and not in a fun way.

I knew the show was dark (one of those horrible clips i saw was about sarah lynn’s passing and bojacks part in it) but I didn’t expect the show to be so anticlimactic with it’s negativity. In a lot of other media, I *enjoy* bad things happening to the characters because of how they build it up as this dramatic experience that hints at future triumphs. Like normally as the music picks up and the rain starts pouring, I’ll be thinking, “oh no so many bad things are happening, our hero is being tested, how will they pick themselves back up”. With Bojack it’s more like “… I guess that’s just how it is for Bojack”.

I’m at the episode “Yes, and” right now, and he just broke up with Wanda [Hoo I LOVE, She’s the best thing that happened to him so far, i mean he looked so happy for a while : ( ]. No drama, no build up, no gasps of shock. Just bojack ruining his life like usual.

And that kind of tone is getting tough to watch, but I’m still near the beginning of the show and I worry I haven’t even hit the motherload of depression (pun semi-intended). So I wanted to know if there’s a rainbow at the end of this journey. Is there some positive message or any kind of hope in this show? It’s not like every piece of media I consume has to be optimistic and I can appreciate a tragedy, but this feels too close to home. I just really want Bojack to be okay and I have a feeling the show isn’t going to give me that.

TLDR; Just started watching and I knew the show was painful but I was expecting game of thrones type suffering. This feels very different.

  • CanYouEvenKnitBro@alien.topOPB
    10 months ago

    I guess I can’t have my cake and eat it too. I can’t ask for realistic characters and also want them to have a fairy tale ending. Although the more real the characters feel, the more I relate to them and the more my own journey feels reflective of theirs. So for my own sake I hope he turns out alright, but I’ll definitely keep watching for now lol

    • ItayeZbit@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      If it helps, the characters who recognize their flaws and work on improving themselves do get their happy endings not because they are deserving of them, but because they put in the leg work to reach those happy endings.

      None of them were gifted with good endings because the author wanted them to have it, same way as the author doesn’t curse anyone with a bad ending they didn’t bring to themselves, and besides, life’s a bitch and then you die, but sometimes life’s a bitch and then you keep living, so there is always the hope of one day getting that happy ending, finding that thing that would help you get your peace. Every day it gets a little easier, but you gotta do it everyday, that’s the hard part.