Was I the only one yelling at my tv the entire episode??

Danielle & Yohan Get this bish off our tvs already. She’s the worst kind of liar, the kind that believes her own lies. You can’t reason with someone like that, especially when she’s constantly moving the goal posts. Did Yohan want to come to the US? 100%. I look at it like this……there are 2 kinds of people on 90Day. The ones that are just using for a green card and the ones that want to come to the US, look for partners there/are really in love. To me it’s no different than having a requirement someone graduated college or has a good credit score, owns a house, etc. I feel like Yohan really loves her bcuz I’m sure at his job he could have easily found an American sugar mama that would marry him & bring him to the US immediately. He’s willing to work for his money, he wants to work for his money. Danielle makes him live in the DR knowing he has no means to make money there but then constantly points the finger at him for not making money. It’s insane. He tried to start a business and she not only didn’t support it but wanted him to close it. He wants to invest in a property, sounds like to rent it. Bcuz she can’t actually afford it she treats him like he’s stupid. He wants to buy a car so they stop renting, which is the smarter move financially, but she can’t afford it so she acts like he’s just entitled. I understand his frustration and totally believe him when he says she told him he didn’t have to work. (She is the proven liar between the two, after all) There’s no way she wants him still working at the resort where he might meet a woman that could actually sponsor a visa. When they went to the immigration lawyer she said she wants a tourist visa bcuz it takes a certain level of trust to get her husband a citizen visa. More trust than marrying someone? She can’t be totally oblivious that everyone knows she bankrupt & broke. Everyone but Yohan is aware that she can’t even sponsor him!!! Who is she trying to fool?!? The whole time they were at the life coach I was screaming at the tv. He wants what he wants when he wants it? Yes, he wants to build a foundation, a life, with his wife and she is a manipulative, liar. Honestly, I don’t think she wants him to succeed. She gets off on having the power in the relationship. I never want to see her on our tvs again!!

Kimberly & TJ This bish gets progressively worse every episode. She’s an entitled brat that her parents created & unleashed in the world that somehow ended up on our tv screens. All she did was complain. She doesn’t understand anyone. Well, she decided to live in India. How about, oh idk, learning the language? The basics at least?? Then she starts crying & complaining that she doesn’t understand what’s going on, why isn’t anyone explaining to her. I was screaming at the tv, why don’t you ask!! She knows TJ isn’t the best communicator (and seems busy/kind of stressed when we see him) after the previous day of complaining she doesn’t know what’s going on/what to expect, she doesn’t have a conversation with her fiance about what’s coming next? No, of course not bcuz then she can’t play the victim. Sitting around either crying, complaining, shitting her pants or having a sourpuss on her face. That’s about it. I’m convinced she only wanted to wear the outfits, nothing else. She has the nerve to say she wants to learn the cultural. She could have watched a documentary and spared everyone from entering our lives every Monday with her bad juju.

Brandon & Mary This is a shitshow and Brandon should make some bracelets so he can hire a translator bcuz Mary says what she wants during the ‘translations*. She’s worse than electronic translator Deavon & Jihoon had. Even the scenes for the next episode had me yelling at his mom. Why go over there to act nasty?! Their relationship is all kinds of toxic but she’s having his baby so she’s not going anywhere. How about instead of acting like a teenager in a social media feud she grows up and has a conversation with Mary and hash out their issues. What if Brandon died and she has to go through Mary to see her grandchild but acted like a complete ass when they met? I even yelled at Lolo. Marriage does not magically bring peace to a relationship!

Sarper & Shakina I don’t really care about this couple at all but I have to give it up to Sarper. In the middle of my ranting at the tv they cut to the upcoming clip of him saying he would rather die than show his DM’s. I almost fell off my chair laughing. I usually don’t even pay attention to their scenes but since Sarper made me laugh so hard I figured I’d give him a shot and end the show with some more laughs. Then Shakina’s sister came and killed the vibe. Worst guest in the world. Was looking for a fight the minute her plane landed. Didn’t even bother with any small talk, went right in to questioning/grilling him. I take it back, asked what he was making then gave her condescending ‘so, raw meat’ comment. It sounded interesting, i wanted to learn more about it. When she was demanding to see his DM’s I was screaming, Bitch who the eff are you?!?! This is none of your business!! I was mad at Shakina for not having her man’s back and calling her sister out on being a rude ass guest.

I think my blood pressure went up this episode. These people are the worst. How about you? Were you all yelling at your tv or was it just me?