I’ll go with the low-hanging fruit: Mein Kampf. I’ve read it, cover to cover. As a piece of propaganda, it’s good. As an example of good writing? Absolutely not (though I will admit I have only read it in translation). Oh, and the whole fascist, racist, and generally shitty worldview of the author that he infuses into the text. And the fact that the author is literally Hitler. You 5-star that book? You’re a Nazi. Period. And as a Jewish person, I don’t look too kindly on them.
I think we need a new dating law, let’s call it Panda’s law. If the subject of Nazi’s or their books comes up on a first date that is the end of seeing that person.
That seems too broad. What if you are both trashing them? Or recently had a run-in with a few and thought it was a good icebreaker/litmus test?
Yak’s Corollary: if they have incorporated the Confederate flag into their wardrobe in any way, it’s over.
that seems a bit much. there are several reasons either of those subjects might come up besides “i think that austrian painter had some interesting ideas”.