So, Danielle of Danielle and Yohan is currently on an Instagram Live and she’s in Florida at her grandmother’s house (that she hadn’t heard from in 15 years). Apparently, she manifested this—grandma needs her to care for her.

I straight up asked her about her nearly $200,000 debt–she straight up said that was baloney and she’s still collecting a six figure income due to “sick days” accumulated through her teaching career. I followed up with a clear fact–she’s claimed bankruptcy, so her EZ pass debt was posted online. She conveniently answers that you can’t believe things you read online. I love how people use this kind of logic when they’re caught in a lie–plenty of the internet is used for legitimate things–just ask all the people who found Josh Duggar’s legal paperwork online…

She insists she can live in a Manhattan but she “chooses” not to. She’s manifesting a place in South Beach, with the help of grandma (who she’s insinuating is a hoarder)…

This woman is vile–am I wrong?

  • teena27@alien.topOPB
    10 months ago

    Well, if she wasn’t broadcasting her life on reality TV and making lives on Instagram about “manifesting” a house in South Beach on the back of her grandmother (that she hasn’t contacted in 15 years) then I’d agree with you.

    Yohan is a garbage human, but he isn’t trying to hide who he really is … she’s trying to convince the world that she’s not insolvent and if we throw magic walnuts, we can be successful, too. That’s the part I don’t like–the idea of selling a mindset (and that’s her business–she’s selling a form of spirituality that doesn’t work!)

    I’m not interested in YOUR financial situation because you’re not attempting to sell me anything, whether it’s spiritual, physical, a vitamin or a product. She has a whole yoga retreat that was $5000 bucks a pop, just to push these ideas that are completely hogwash.