Leapling here; was born February 29th and my 9th birthday is coming up next year. And by chance I was googling one of my favorite authors for a book list, since I know I’ve only read a handful of her books. Turns out Patricia A. McKillip was also born on February 29th! I’m pleasantly surprised. I think I’m going to set a goal for reading all her books this next year, since it’s a leap year. I’ve never read a book of hers I’ve not enjoyed.

On looking through her book list just now, I see several books which I recognize the titles of, but I can’t remember if I’ve read or not. 😬 I’ve a rotten memory and I’ve only in the last handful of years started keeping lists of books I’ve read. Soooo perhaps I’ll ammend that resolution to reading ALL her books next year, and if some are new to me all over again, all the better.

McKillip fans, what are your favorites? And do you have any authors you know you share a birthday with? If you don’t know any, Google authors with your birthday and see what you come up with! Let’s hear it.