I mean…I know these two are just walking red flags and terrible decisions, but given that they’re on FaceTime CONSTANTLY, why the eff wouldn’t Brandon just ask Lolo and Lola’s permission to hold Mary’s hand and kiss her at the airport over FaceTime before he arrived?

Also, since Brandon wasn’t aware of those rules, I feel like Mary completely set him up to either lie to her grandparents and hope her brother wouldn’t rat them out? Or have a super awkward convo with them right out the gate, which is what happened. Like what a great first impression you set him up to make. 🙄

Also, speaking of his first impression, he should have eaten more that first night. They must have spent so much money and/or farm resources and time making that meal and he only had a few bites. I know he was super tired and jet lagged, but these are very impoverished people who are pulling out all the stops to make him feel welcomed. It’s insulting to let it go to waste.