So in the show, they changed Science Dog into Seance Dog. I remember reading why Kirkman decided to make the change, and to paraphrase, he said it was because Science Dog was a separate comic book. And as such, he wanted to retain the rights to Science Dog in case he decided to pursue a show about the character in the future.

Well a lot of the other Invincible Universe characters are ALSO separate comic books. Will this affect how some of them are portrayed in the show or whether or not they’re introduced at all.

Robert Kirkman (Full Quote): [Laughs] Yeah, look. I think that the nuts and bolts answer… I’m trying to come up with something creative and fun, but the nuts and bolts answers is that Science Dog is a separate comic book that Cory Walker and I created that just happened to appear [in Invincible]. It’s possible that we may do a movie or TV show or something at some point. Instead of putting that down in our deal with Amazon, on Invincible, we decided to strip it out and put in something new so that we would have the ability to do that.