Overall I thought the episode was good. It’s a great special. Honestly I love the b-story more than the a story. At least up until the end. I agree with the other commenters that said it drags on a bit.

It’s really funny hearing my friends complain about how no one knows how to do anything anymore. And this episode just spoke right to that. Because it’s mostly true. If you are a handyman and know how to Make a website You are getting a lot of business these days.

Though the billionaire angle was a little shoehorned in. That part of the bit didn’t Make much sense and wasn’t that funny. There’s a whole bunch of exploitation that this episode just glossed over when it comes to how a person becomes a billionaire. But I ain’t going to get political. Because they definitely don’t know what they’re talking about.

The Pander stuff was fine and pretty funny actually. And well balanced. I don’t know if it’s just Matt and Trey on the writing team. But if it is just them they knocked it out of the park. Hidden meanings innuendos, wrapping logic in a tight bow.

As a writer myself I must give kudos. To say what you want to say and upset no one and everyone at the same time but through subtleness. Class.

  • MutenRoshi21@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Had some good things in it, but Bob Iger didnt get enough credit either he is also responsible for a lot of disney failures. And Amazon/Apple do the pandering on the same level like disney these days.