So I just devised an elaborate organization plan to help me get through my TBR cause i realized i own 16 (16!) Unread books. I put a book buying ban on myself till I’ve read every single one of these books. I’ll be reading 3 at the same time no more no less, all of these 3 books will be different vibes/genres from eachother and from the group of 3’s before them. Everytime i finish a group of 3’s i get starbucks or an energy drink as a reward. Will this scheme fail? Probably, idk how efficient reading 3 different books at the time is as opposed to one. How do y’all get through big TBRS?

  • l00ky_here@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    See it only works when you know you want to read it. It also helps to close your eyes when putting the books on the shelf so you don’t know what it is. Maybe numbering the books and then putting the numbers on paper in a little box and drawing the number to pick a book?