So I just devised an elaborate organization plan to help me get through my TBR cause i realized i own 16 (16!) Unread books. I put a book buying ban on myself till I’ve read every single one of these books. I’ll be reading 3 at the same time no more no less, all of these 3 books will be different vibes/genres from eachother and from the group of 3’s before them. Everytime i finish a group of 3’s i get starbucks or an energy drink as a reward. Will this scheme fail? Probably, idk how efficient reading 3 different books at the time is as opposed to one. How do y’all get through big TBRS?

  • reggiesnap@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    16 isn’t bad at all!

    The problem I would have with what you’ve proposed is using a reward system makes me feel like I’m doing homework instead of a fun hobby.

    If I have bought books in too large a stack to handle, I do one of two things:

    1. Donate the books I’ve owned for 5 years and never read because clearly I’m not that interested in them.
    2. Find a buddy to read with - I’m part of a few book clubs, but I’m sure someone online will also share your taste! That way you’ll feel like you have a deadline to finish by for the discussion.