I am not talking about people who are hoarders or abusive. I am talking about people who have normal hobbies. I do not like Sarper at all but I was annoyed that (idk her name. I can’t tell what it is) she thinks it’s embarrassing for a guy to play video games over the age of 20. That annoyed me that people are making hobbies into a something negative. I like video games but I also read, do photography, workout, journal, cook and bake. We should destigmatise hobbies people have. If it isn’t obsessive or hurting their relationships, lives, or finances then everyone is entitled to their things they like. A lot of people think liking this trash show is bad and a waste of time but it doesn’t hurt us for liking it. It makes us happy. I wish we could just all have hobbies no matter what it is. Even if it’s not productive we need it as humans. On the other hand Brandon has an addiction. He cannot stop gaming and it is the first thing he does in the morning. That is when it is unattractive and it is a huge red flag. This is a problem that needs to be worked through in therapy. I know people will write about this and I understand he plays games to cope and escape from life. He had a really hard life so it makes sense he needs escapism. Same with social media and Darcy’s plastic surgery. It is unhealthy and it is all rooted in deeper issues. This is going on too long. I just wanted to write my thoughts and start a conversation about this.

  • lovemoonsaults@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It’s just entertainment! There is no difference between playing video games for a couple of hours, then watching a movie after work or crocheting blankets while you watch tv.

    It’s weird to me to care that much unless it’s destructive in some way.

    My dude plays video games. I play Best Fiends. My dad is 74 and loves solitaire in the tablet. My grandparents used to play those handheld casino games in the 90s.

    • wh1036@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      I’ve been a gamer my whole life and my best attempt at being the devil’s advocate here is that you can’t lump all types of games and gamers together. Even if someone isn’t gaming hours a day and having it affect their job or household chores, how do they react when their game is interrupted? The types of games you are referencing can be easily paused and put down. If I’m cooking dinner and my partner wants to play a game, that’s great. If I’ve finished cooking and they’re in the middle of a round in an online game or a quest or raid in WoW and won’t come eat until they’re done, potentially half an hour to an hour later, that’s a problem.