Joined the group just to say my teen daughter is absolutely in love with the show…as soon as she finishes it she starts it again. Admittedly she tried to get me to watch it this past week but with Thanksgiving and a busy life I didn’t really have time to watch much. She struggles with self harm and depressive moods, we are trying to get her help she’s in therapy and on some meds we are trying for mood stabilizing as well as ADHD. I’m just curious as someone who really doesn’t know that much about the show is she trying to tell me something? Is it something to worry about or is it cathartic? She literally watches is it over and over and in most of her spare time.

  • maybeashly@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I watched the show for the first time and binged it all the way through in one of my weeks off work and immediately started it over again. Now it’s one of my shows that I put on in the background or to fall asleep.

    What drew me in was that I identify with Bojack in some ways. Some of the things said in the show put into words feelings that I previously had no way to describe. Kind of like. A feeling of not being alone. Because let me tell you, when you’re down in the depressive hole it feels like no one else has ever felt this way ever and no one will ever understand what you’re going through. They say they do but they don’t.

    I think that watching the show ad nauseam isn’t concerning by itself. But I would encourage you to watch the show. Or at least a few episodes. (Start with Free Churro or The View From Halfway Down) Because when I was a teen I would often want to show my parents things I identified with kind of as a way to say what I’m feeling without actually saying it.