Yes, every single time. My dad thinks it’s funny, and has started doing it also. Should me and my dad chill or is my brother being a square?
6 million actually
Sounds annoying as fuck
Your brother is trying to enjoy a show man
If I was your brother I’d literally never watch it around you, that’s probably annoying as FUCK when you’re tryna pay attention to what’s going on and all you hear is “five million taxpayer dollars 🤓 heh. Five million taxpayer dollars. Heheh fiv-“
This is fun af bro, I wish I had friends like you and your dad.
Finally got my friend to watch Invincible. This is her favorite joke to make. If we do a rewatch, we plan to calculate exactly how much money Cecil spent by season.
I didn’t think Cecil mentions how much it costs in the show? I think it’s just in the comic. But I wish they did lol
Maybe stop saying it. You sound like cinemasins.
Never give up, never surrender
The top comments go to show how obnoxious some people can be. Your brother obviously wants to watch it with you guys. Maybe be less annoying so you can enjoy it together.
Tell ur brother to lighten up, its such a harmless joke.
Jokes get stale and annoying if you repeat them too often
Cecil has been spamming that thing these past few episodes
“I think I’m addicted”
Probably has a lot of people gunning for him being the head of the GDA and all so i imagine teleportation’s just the safest way for him to travel
And yet, is probably wasting less tax dollars than the US government IRL.