I mean I understand Omniman is basically close to the main character of the show, and season 1 I thought did a great job making him morally grey.

But this last episode just felt off, Mark instantly hugs his dad who tried to kill him for real and tricked him into coming to a planet about to come under attack! Because Mark needs to save the new love of his life and his half brother uhhhh? Omniman offers not even an apology wtaf? New insect wife is playing the dumb triangulation game talking up how much he loves Mark but he just can’t show it!

I dunno I just hated how Mark just instantly goes along with this, his sole objection seemingly being that his dad has a new bug wife.

Looked at objectively Omniman gives 0 shits about Mark, tricked him into coming into a deadly near suicidal fight to save people Mark doesn’t even know or care about! And Mark just seems to go along with this bullshit.

It felt like some writer trying to work through or justify their relationship with an abusive dad lol

I would have preferred Mark told Omniman to fuck off and simply become caught in the cross hairs and had no choice.