Why couldn’t Kirkman and the rest of the staff not just keep the original way Amber figured out who Mark was. I’ve been rereading the comic getting ready for season 2, and it just bugs me that they already had a perfect way for her to come off as intelligent but not a manipulative or horrible person. This scene would have been funny within the show as well, Mark jumping out the window and all. Anyway sorry to retread through all this old territory, just had to vent. Excited for Season 2 at least!

      • FaithlessCleric42@alien.topB
        11 months ago

        You know, after it rains and there is a puddle on a flat surface of the concrete. It may look deep and interesting because it reflects the light making a mirror. But once the sun hits it or when you step in it, splash and vanish.

        I don’t know how they are gonna improve her character, she isn’t written in a good light, and back peddling this mess is not going to cut it.

        Tldr: first knuckle deep puddle.

        • 55hi55@alien.topB
          11 months ago

          Tbf comic Amber only existed to show why Invincible was never going to be able to make it work with a normal girl. She was just there to highlight how getting his powers is not going to get him everything he wants.

          Show Amber does much the same, but imo they spend too much time on the whole relationship portion. They should have subbed some Amber scenes with lectures from a teacher about how he’s “throwing away his future” by letting his grades suffer. Scenes with his mom where she’s like “I know you’re a superhero now, but I’m not cleaning your bathroom for you” and his bathroom is just disgusting because A) he’s a teenage boy superhero and B) he hasn’t had the time/energy to clean it in weeks. A scene where Science Dog’s latest issue was completely sold out and he’ll probably never get one now, because he had to go stop a meteor.

          We get this big moment with Eve where he’s like “I don’t wanna be a hero” and the only two examples we’ve been shown are, his grades are bad, and relationships are hard. To top it off because they invested so much screen time into Amber we want her to be this deeper character, but she’s has always and only is, a foil to show how Marks extraordinary life isn’t perfect, and is actually really hard and requires a million daily sacrifices.

          Could they have done Amber in such a way that she needed depth? Absolutely, but the role she was cast in isn’t one that allows for it, at least not unless more roles are added to her.

    • TheWinterWeasel@alien.topB
      11 months ago

      I’d rather have a puddle of water than a bucket of slop.
      A deeper character is not necessarily better. Execution matters.

      • _Good_One@alien.topB
        11 months ago

        And the one dimensional toy girl that only purpose is to be a love interest and then to get abused so mark can swoop in and save the day is better? She only existed to make mark look good, she was literally abused only to make Mark look like a hero