Here is the true message of this special since both the left and the right are too stupid to understand:

Pandering is a lazy form of storytelling, but sending hate to Disney doesn’t solve anything. If anything, it gives them a reason to do more pandering. Cartman is DEFINETLY NOT the voice of reason of this special. Stan and Kyle are. Their cordial speech on why pandering doesn’t work is Trey and Matt’s voice being heard. Stuff like Miles Morales is a great way of representation because it is innovative and a complete new spin on a classic character. Race swapping is just lazy.

I hate how the left wing only focus on the part where Cartman says “complaining about woke stuff is kinda lame” at the end, and use it as the basis of what they think the message of the special is, as if it is in favour of their side only. Disliking pandering isn’t a right wing viewpoint, and I hate how people think it is. They missed the point.

I also hate how the right wing think that Cartman IS the voice of reason, thinking that the whole episode supports the their side only and that sending hate to Disney is the right way to go about it. It is annoying to see conservatives act like the whole episode is for them. They have also missed the point.

  • Mcspooferson@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I think the episode goes out of its way to forgive bad decicion making by a mega corporation. It could have easily been tilted towards cartmans perspective and been right. What south park did by displaying two sides was mercy. It wasn’t indicative of who is most at fault. Which is the huge mega Corp with near limitless resources and talent to pull from.

    The problem is diversity and inclusion sells fine in enough other instances where the art isn’t dictated by a committee.

    It isnt people like cartman who made Disney’s decicions for them. You can’t both sides a situation where one side has every opportunity to just make better business decicions not clouded by ego and a sense of self righteousness. Especially when you have every reason not to fail.

  • an_african_swallow@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    In typical South Park fashion they made fun of everyone here because everyone is acting ridiculous at the moment, then everyone looked at the special and only saw the jokes making fun of the other side and ran with that, people are idiots

  • frstyle34@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    You are 100% correct also, you missed the main point of this episode which is Baldurs gate 3 is awesome and it’s impossible to get a handyman to fix things around the house. My hot water heater is still broken and no one will show up. Lol.

  • Shower_Slug@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Can anyone tell me how the right looked bad in this episode? Especially compared to the left? To be clear I think they all suck.

  • Remarkable_Custard@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    South Park has always been about making fun of both left, and right. Including and not limited to every single other belief, joy, or topic lol.

    Anything thinking that Matt/Trey or South Park leans towards supporting one side or another is usually in most instances wrong.

    I haven’t even seen the special, but I knew immediately they wouldn’t just be making fun of race swapping, that’s too easy.

  • Rstuds7@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    people have been stuck watching lazy and unoriginal movies and TV that they can’t interpret a pretty simple plot

  • RanfoMedia@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Same thing happened with the Barbie movie. The right wing ate it up as making fun of wokeness, yet they purposely refuse to ignore that woman’s monologue at the end, which goes against everything they believe in lmao. But even that movie was making fun of pandering, just a little more subtle than SP.

    Or take another example, gaming industry. Because of gamergate, there are now games that pander as well, but here’s also the thing, those are all optional character creation choices that you don’t have to do. Even the gay characters in Life is Strange are far better written than what Disney/Marvel puts out.

    They just insert these token LGBT, feminist, multi-racial characters so they can meet a quota and pretend they actually give a fuck about these groups, but at the end of the day, they only just want their money. Nothing more, nothing less. And that is one reason why SP made this episode. If corpos really gave a shit, then said corpos would also change their flag to the rainbow one even in middle eastern countries!

  • JethroSkull@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I don’t even think it is truly about anything to do with right wing / left wing in the larger scheme of things. The bigger issue is and always had been that ANY complaint leveled against Disney for their poor performances lately had been labeled as extreme right bigoted hatred.

    In other words what we’re seeing is, even the general apathy portrayed by characters like Stan and Kyle (the common fan) being lumped in with the few extremists (cartman) in order to attempt to paint some type of picture of this massive gang coming after Disney unfairly.

    When you read reviews by common movie goers, the negative reviews tend to mostly be about boring, badly written, redundant storytelling… And of course every so often you’ll find some lunatic making off the wall comments. However, reading the media’s response to these reviews, you’d get the impression that all of it is racist trolls. We’ve actually turned a corner recently where Disney has been doing so poorly that even the media isn’t bothering to cover for them any longer.

    The other side of the coin is that you’ll get people on the most progressive side of the political spectrum that do nothing but boast the merits of Disney’s diversity driven agenda all over social media. The mystery is why all this support isn’t translating to success at the box office. The answer is either that all these people talk a big talk but don’t actually support the product… Or their numbers are so few that they can’t actually make a difference.

    The people who you will see claiming this episode for their side are a drop in the bucket in the larger scale of things.

    Ultimately the creators of Southpark have made their stance on what they think of Disney as a whole abudnatly clear regardless for years well before this episode even aired which some people seem to currently be totally oblivious to.

  • Will-Of-D-3D2Y@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    I think the most subtle part of the episode that flew over many people’s heads is how Kyle and Stan openly rejected Panderverse Cartman at first (‘That is not Eric Cartman!’) but because Panderverse Cartman acted exactly the same Kyle quickly fell into his usual routine of arguing with Cartman like normal, with Stan literally proclaiming ‘It really is Cartman’ when his scheme to play Baldur’s Gate III became clear.

    The point being that even if a character’s appearance is changed or updated, if they actually are written the same it doesn’t change that much at all.

  • PaltryCharacter@alien.topB
    11 months ago

    Oh, great, another member of the patriarch coming to mansplain something to me while trying to control the narrative.