Beard does not tell Roy to grow up and get over something without Roy admitting that points the other raised (like that he and Keeley are not dating yet), are actually true

Beard does not tell Roy to grow up and get over something without Roy being openly assured by Ted that the men in the room care about him

Beard does not tell Roy to grow up and get over something without the caring men providing their advice and opinion without calling Roy names or putting him down

Beard tells Roy to “grow up and get over it” only
- after Ted called multiple trusted sources to help Roy

- after Ted literally openly saying to Roy (albeit jokingly) that they CARE about him

- after Ted, Higgins, Beard and Nate all listened to Roy’s perspective and his follow up statements

- after Higgins offered advice and different perspective to Roy

- after Ted offered advice and different perspective to Roy

- after Nate offered advice and different perspective to Roy

- after Roy responding to all of them and admitting that he and Keeley are not officially dating yet

However, sadly, “fans” of Ted Lasso (people who do not seem adopt Ted’s approach or behavior),

insist on using this phrase

simply to be cruel. Without showing any care to the other person, without offering any understanding and any constructive advice.

Most confusingly, people seem to insist they totally are Ted Lasso fans, while
calling me names and trying to put me down for having empathy and for not approving workplace harasment…

I guess sometimes you just need to ‘grow up’, meaning: become empathetic, kind and non-judgemental…