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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 19th, 2023

  • Nikki bothers me so much. Don’t get me started on her gross plastic surgeries… but what really bothers me is how she’s acting in Moldova.

    I’m all for being confident and standing up for being your true self. She should be allowed to dress how she wants, wear as much makeup as she wants… but I do believe she should be a little more respectful and a little caring about Igor and his feelings in how she’s acting in his country.

    He’s already in a difficult position with dating a trans person. He’s said it’s not accepted in his country and he’s genuinely scared for Nikki’s safety. That alone should be reason for her not trying to draw attention to herself.

    But even without that component, it’s ridiculous that she still insists on dressing like a drag queen. They’re in a developing country that doesn’t approve of dressing like that. They’re more a conservative country. While I understand not liking that mindset in a country, Nikki could at least have respect and understanding and perhaps try to tone it down a little. That’s like dressing the way she does to a convent or something. Be respectful, Nikki. Stop drawing attention to yourself as if you’re still in LA and making it harder on “Justin” than you need.

    Also, why do you take 3 hours to get ready every damn day? I’m not a makeup girl, but I promise you it doesn’t take that long to get ready………

  • Yeah I’m sure they keep acting that way for the show. I bet they’ll be on the last resort here next 😂

    I hope they’ve actually discussed finances and them still having this insane disconnect when it comes to budget is just for show. Because Jasmine actually seems pretty smart. Just dramatic and eccentric. I refuse to believe she’d not tone it down a little if she understood how much he actually made and how much everything costs.

    I also think between whatever career Gino used to have and the show, he may actually make more money than we realize too. So maybe Jasmine believing he can afford it is a little more truthful than we think. The fact that he COULD afford a 3k apartment for her (even if he didn’t wanna pay it) on top of his own expenses… could afford this random surgeries… and was actually willing to give her 10k for a wedding dress (um excuse me?!?!?!?! Does a 3k dress not suffice?!?) is insane. You have to have SOME money to be able to do that.

  • That still makes no sense though. Because regardless you have to pay the bills. I mean I’m sure he gets paid for the show, but still.

    Once again, why wouldn’t he discuss this with Jasmine PRIOR to quitting? Say hey, I’m concerned to have to leave you alone for so long when you arrive, I’m thinking of quitting my job… however that will affect our spending budget. What do you think?

    People on this show are so bad at communicating.

  • I don’t understand why Gino doesn’t do a sit down with Jasmine in his expenses. He needs to show her the exact number (after taxes are removed) he makes (or made) each month. THEN do a lay out of ALL expenses (to include mortgage, utilities, groceries, things like cell phone, tv, etc etc). Then he needs to explain the amount he puts towards savings/retirement.

    I truly believe Jasmine is actually smart, but perhaps she somehow believes he has the money to fund her lifestyles? She always is upset when he’s “cheap”, as if she thinks he has a lot of money but refuses to spend any on her. I’d like to believe if she understands that that is not true, perhaps she’d calm down a little.

    Also… why the hell would Gino quit his job right before she came to the states KNOWING how she is???