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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2023


  • Conversely I couldn’t stand the drug out scenes with Harry and Cho, especially the fixation on how wet the kisses were. All of that relationship felt like it was written by an adult dumbing shit down for younger readers, not an adult writing like she remembered how that first kiss felt. Was 13 when I had mine, wasn’t in love with the girl but was completely enamored with her. I remember so much about it: my heart stopping after pounding so hard I could feel my pulse in my neck, the smell of lavender on her skin because she used this scented lotion her mom bought her, her long hair brushing my cheeks as it fell over my face. All those memories and nowhere in there is that “wet” BS Rowling was so fixated on.

    Blech. I haven’t read that book in 15 years now and it still makes me shudder how badly Harry and Cho were written and how it brought the momentum of the book to a grinding halt.

  • Yeah I never bought into the “she died” theory. She’s too smart to go down like that and she knew he would turn on her. There was no panic in her actions, unlike his. I figure she just wanted to be done with all of it and bailed, leaving just enough uncertainty that he never went back to look for her after that day. Plenty of places she could have disappeared to despite her celebrity because people don’t give enough credence to how easy it is to change your looks sufficiently to blend in somewhere no one would expect to find you.