I guarantee you Rob is going to try to find another woman for a threesome
I guarantee you Rob is going to try to find another woman for a threesome
Her friends have no business asking him those questions. They are between Ashley and Manuel.
Banging his mom is a power move
This whole family sucks
She is going to take him back
Give her the ticket!
Pedro doesn’t want to get fucked on the house sale. This has nothing to do with how he feels about her.
I would be livid if my fiancée went to go see an old crush to discuss what could have been between them
Karen’s glasses 🤮
This girl looks just like Chantel
PI - this is all assumption
Karen - takes it is all as fact written in stone
I love how they always pick public places to have private conversations
Ed - says something stupid/ Liz - Look how great I am!
Why is Ed acting like this?
Michael is the victim here. Always has been.
I wonder how long their divorce proceedings will be 😅
People aren’t staring at Nikki because she is trans, they are staring because of the ungodly amount of plastic surgery and her terrible fashion sense
At this point I’m convinced that Gino is ……”Special Needs”
Rob is like the senior in high school who tries to date freshman
Igor was probably watching porn on his phone and woke Nikki up to finish himself off