I dont care, really. A lot of times Goodreads are just not fair at all. I read a book „Saha“ by Cho Nam-Joo this year, its good, but it barely hits 2.7 stars there.
Or Jonathan Carroll, my favourite author of all time. And Goodreads cant event recommend me any book similar to his…
But I think, u just read and enjoy it. Create a journal, write some thoughts down, create ur owns little worlds. Reading is ur personal experience created just for u.
I dont care, really. A lot of times Goodreads are just not fair at all. I read a book „Saha“ by Cho Nam-Joo this year, its good, but it barely hits 2.7 stars there. Or Jonathan Carroll, my favourite author of all time. And Goodreads cant event recommend me any book similar to his… But I think, u just read and enjoy it. Create a journal, write some thoughts down, create ur owns little worlds. Reading is ur personal experience created just for u.