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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 25th, 2023

  • To me, the point isn’t that you can’t have gay characters, it’s about WHY you’re starting to include a ton of gay characters more than anything. If you’re remaking every Disney movie but making every single main character gay, claiming it’s for diversity and inclusion: it no longer is. It is literally to make people who wanna see more gay people watch your movie, and to create conversations by people who don’t.

    If you change the race or sexuality of a main character of an established movie or series, some of the internet will outrage, and some of them will be excited. But the angry people talking about will automatically create more publicity either way. And if they happen to make very stereotypical, outgoing gay people (where being gay is their whole personality and reason the piece of media exists), then the homophobic viewers can claim that gay people are being shoved down their throats, and it kind of… creates even more homophobia? Because it’s enforcing this view instead of showing them that newsflash: gay people are literally just people.

    I’ve been getting annoyed because you can’t claim to do something for diversity and inclusion, but only include the same group over and over. Like it’s so cool that they made the little mermaid black. But if you remake every single princess movie and make the main character black every time…. you’re still not representing tons of other races who also deserve to have representation.

    Side note: I’ve never left my opinion on this on the internet, because I’m so afraid of it being taken badly. It’s okay to remake movies and change how the characters look. It’s also okay to have outgoing gay characters. And obviously homophobic people will be homophobic either way, same for racism, but I feel like sometimes media is created just to enforce the idea that there is some kind of gay agenda (or whatever other kind of agenda) being forced onto viewers? Like they are purposely furthering the divide by creating content that nobody asked for, and then hiding from critique by claiming they did it for inclusivity, etc. Anyways, I hope people reading this actually try to understand what I mean instead of taking each piece of it at face value, because this is very hard to articulate properly :)