I’m disappointed we never saw any of The Bojack Horseman Show.
I’m disappointed we never saw any of The Bojack Horseman Show.
Why do we watch this every day?!
He is very reminiscent of Ernest Hemingway in certain aspects, like being (or trying to be) an author and having an odd obsession with masculinity.
Oh, wow. That’s actually really clever.
That Vincent Adultman is actually several children in a trenchcoat doing the thing from The Little Rascals.
Damn, knew I recognized that bear from somewhere.
You are literally a metaphor!
Hooray! Question mark?
They need a parody of El Camino starring Todd.
What’s the name of that famous song from the musical Chicago about how their victims only had themselves to blame?
What’s a song that Bojack listens to on repeat after he’s done something REALLY bad?
Wait, crap, you’re right. I was thinking it was called “He Had It Coming” and that was the response I was going for.