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Cake day: November 10th, 2023


  • HelloDesdemona@alien.topBtoBooksQuestions from Frankenstein
    10 months ago
    1. This is an interesting question! It might be worth looking into the social mores of the period. It could be that such a direct question is frowned upon in polite society. This is all speculation by me, but it could also be showing how polite is callous and cold, and it is the kind of society that creates monsters like Victor did. They are all too preoccupied with decorum to get real justice.
    2. I think Victor is definitely “all talk”. He’s the time to spout wisdom, but the second that wisdom presents itself in reality, he freaks out. It’s like CEO’s who say things like, “We respect our works” while at the same time cutting jobs left and right while taking a massive bonus. This ties into number 3: Victor is incredibly self-centered. He is definitely of the type that thinks the world revolves around him, and everyone else is just a prop. It’s that narcissism that makes him contextualize literally everything around himself even if the logic doesn’t follow.

    Good questions! I love thinking about stuff like this, so thank you for asking!