Russell in Girls Out Late/Girls In Tears. He steals Ellie’s idea for the art competition that he purposefully didn’t tell her about, then calls her a hypocrite when she submits another last-minute entry using a character based on stories her dead mum used to tell her, kisses one of her best friends after constantly calling her “tarty”, patronises Ellie and acts like she’s not an intellectual just because she doesn’t like the same movies he does and complains about her outfit when they’re going to a party and asks why she can’t wear something more “sparkly”, like he doesn’t think she’s glamorous enough for him, etc.
Omg yes, I’d forgotten that! Also the book hypes Denna up as being really wise and always able to see through Kvothe but then thinks it’s a good idea in the first book to stick a random substance she finds in an abandoned house in her mouth, which turns out to be poisonous and then Kvothe has to spend several chapters taking care of her and making her eat charcoal because there are no doctors around for miles. So wise!