I respect both pronunciations of gif, but saying that the g should be the same as graphical because that’s what it stands for is and always has been laughable. Thats not how acronyms work at all, all you have to do is think of a few.
When you put in your PIN at the register, is it your “pin” or your “pine”? Because the I stands for identification. Same with SIM, it’s not a “sime” card.
If you go SCUBA diving, is it pronounced “scuh-ba” or “scooba”? Because the U is for underwater.
How about CAPTCHA? Should it be “cahpt-k-ha” or “captcha”? Or POTUS is “pot-yoos”?
I think if you go to all the effort of writing, editing, publishing, and distributing a book, you should make sure it’s what you want the world to read. Rewriting your book after the fact is either lazy or pandering in my view.