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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 17th, 2023


  • Sometimes there are things that are just jokes between couples. My husband calls me “dumpy butt” when I wear sweatpants, and it’s funny to me - I actually came up with the term, haha! Most people would be like “why do you let him say that?” but sometimes things are just what they are between couples and it’s not harmful. I can’t say the same for these two, but just trying to illustrate that things that appear a certain way outwardly may not at all the the way it is between a couple.

  • This is an incoherent post. She references two things that seemingly have nothing to do with one another, and doesn’t elaborate on the connection, yet keeps posting about it. She’s off her rocker and needs mental health help, not social media outlets. I say that in the most sincere way, and not being snarky. She seems to really and truly need mental help.