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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 18th, 2023


  • Shekinah needs to flee IMMEDIATELY. As in call her sister, pack a few bags, buy a ticket for the soonest flight, and get outta there ASAP. The longer she stays the more chances he has to manipulate her.

    Having a kid with Sarper would be an absolute nightmare for her and the baby. He has ZERO experience with everything involved in being a father. He’s lived like a wild, immature BOY for nearly his entire life, there’s no way he wouldn’t fall right back into that lifestyle as soon as he runs into the first few challenges. Dude’s supposedly banged 2500 women(I did the math on that and assuming he started having sex at say 14, the number of sexual partners per week to reach that # is INSANE), but now all of the sudden he’s so hung up on becoming a family man? He has no idea what that even MEANS. He has no concept of the sheer cost, financially, physically, mentally, emotionally.There’d be a lot of “Sorry I forgot” and “Why you are being such a BITCH?!”

    And can any of us legitimately envision him changing a diaper?

    He has no clue about the sheer amount of WORK involved with being a good partner, let alone RAISING A CHILD. He would expect her to do EVERYTHING. He’d be garbage at taking care of her during the pregnancy. He’d be constantly starting arguments, criticizing her changing body, and disappearing all the time banging other women whenever she can’t have sex. At the very least he’d be cheating on her with women over his phone in no time.

    And when the baby’s born? Forget it. All it would take is a few sleepless nights of their poor newborn wailing and he’d DEFINITELY be OUT, running off to the bars to screw other women. I can also see him bugging her about the lingering baby weight, and pressuring her for wild sex before she’s healed up. She would have to endure the pregnancy, give birth, change every diaper, breastfeed, rock the baby sleepless night after sleepless night, cook, clean, potty train, just do EVERYTHING essentially BY HERSELF.

    And all the while she’d have to endure this absolute MAN-BABY of a partner. Endure his constant criticism, disappearing, cheating, lies, resentment, abandonment, neglect, ridiculous libido, and likely his eventual barrage of atrocious abuse, mentally, emotionally, sexually, and physically.

    Because I can ABSOLUTELY see him hauling off and hitting her at some point.