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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 2nd, 2023


  • By that time, Glutton had put down more than a gallon of ale, and his guts were beginning to rumble like a couple of greedy sows. Then, before you had time to say the Our Father, he had pissed a couple of quarts, and blown such a blast on the round horn of his rump, that all who heard it had to hold their noses, and wished to God he would plug it with a bunch of gorse!

    And for the middle English aficionados…

    Til Gloton hadde yglubbed a galon and a gille.        His guttes gonne to gothelen as two gredy sowes; He pissed a potel in a Paternoster-while, And blew his rounde ruwet at his ruggebones ende, That alle that herde that horn helde hir nose after And wisshed it hadde ben wexed with a wispe of firses!       

  • Well that’s good to hear. But, yeah, I read Stranger when I was 13 or 14 and I thought it was amazing. I re-read it soon after college and, while there were still some good moments for sure, there were some things I found . . . well let’s just say, some of the lines Heinlein had Gillian deliver were pretty awful.

    And I could not get through Time Enough for Love a second time after thinking it was incredible when I was an early teen.

    Best of luck out there.

  • Heinlein. I thought he was wonderful when I was 14. Things started slowly going off the rails after that, and when I was 22, I went back and reread Stranger in a Strange Land and was pretty revulsed.

    But before that, the Divergence had started. I found Friday very hard to read, and the Number of the Beast was impossible, and there was no fucking way I was going to read The Cat Who Walks Through Walls, let alone to Sail Beyond The Sunset.

    I will never go back and reread the Moon is a Harsh Mistress, because I want to preserve the memory I have of first reading it.