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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023

  • Unless you’re saying the same shit every time someone on the show ( or in your life) smokes a cigarette or has an alcoholic beverage. Both of which are very unhealthy. Then just shut the fuck up.

    Did you wear your mask, get your covid shots and properly quarantine? Do you get the flu shot and all your up to date vaccinations every year? Do you make sure to quarantine every time you get sick or come down with a fever so you’re not risking getting anyone else sick or unhealthy? No?why? Because you really do not give a fuck about a strangers health. You just want to bash on fat people.

    News flash. Fat people know they’re fat. Some even work really hard to fix it. ( and some dont. Thats their business)

    Babies happen, illness happens, stress happens. All of which, (according to my trainer) contributes to weight gain. So unless you’ve ever been 300+ pounds and have tried to lose it like I did. Shut the fuck up.

    You don’t know anything about being healthy or unhealthy and you really don’t care so stop using it as an excuse to body shame someone you don’t even fucking know.