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Cake day: 2023年10月18日


  • In what world was this a nice, kind person? She was stirring the pot. While I do think Jazmine should have been told about the bachelor party, GENO should have been the one to tell her, not this lady. She made it worse by making the strippers sound as bad as possible. She knows these two and knows that Jazmine is an insanely jealous person so she knew exactly what she was doing. If she was the “nice, normal” person that she is being presented as, she could have shared the information about the bachelor party innocently, apologized for spilling the beans, and could have explained that most strip clubs are innocent and involve women getting top less, but not typically naked below the waist, and that patrons aren’t allowed to touch the strippers. Instead, she made it sound as salacious as possible. Let’s face facts: Geno is not a traditionally attractive looking man by most standards and the ladies aren’t falling at his feet. Come on! She could have made this situation much better, but she fanned the flames.

  • This whole situation was upsetting. First, I think this guy is one of the best guys so far— in the way that he has compassion and empathy for his mother (albeit allowing her to live in a closet, but it does appear that she claimed the closet and seems ok with it). He also seems aware of the hoarding and obvious mental illness (although not sure if he realizes how bad it is). I was impressed that he addressed language with his mom and explained that just bc she speaks another language, to be careful how he speaks to her and that she isn’t a child. That awareness is far and away better than most of the guys bringing wives from other countries. I think he takes extreme care of the Guinea pigs (vet visits s 2x/year for guineas pigs!), so I don’t think it’s smells as bad as it could— but still, pets are ruling that apartment. I don’t shower every night before bed, BUT if I had hopes of “intimacy,” I would for sure— and those would be fresh sheets and linens on the bed. These guys never seem to realize how exhausting travel is— especially the distance so many have endured. I hope my opinion stays high of him (at least his intentions and effort) but I will be interested to see how she reacts. I hope together they address the hoarding head-on and get into a larger place and get the mother help. I was also impressed by the floral arrangement he brought her. For a first-time flower buyer, he did better than most with their grocery store flowers. This couple has potential if they address things head on and get this mother help. The other issues are the result of a young, naive, inexperienced guy who doesn’t know better. Hoping to see this one work out, but I may eat my words. (As for the mother’s teeth, healthcare —dentistry being separate in many plans—is expensive and a luxury for many. I don’t think it’s fair to mock her for something she can’t control). This is the reality of middle America.