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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2023

  • Besides the obvious books that promote racism, bigotry, capitalism and genocide (or all of that at once), I’d have to say the following: Any person that unequivocally and unironically says that Brandon Sanderson is their favorite author and only ever reads his books, or requests recs for similar books, would get a hard no from me. I’d have to assume they have some serious issues. These (mostly, it seems like) dudes ruined the Fantasy subreddit (and this one) for me. Someone let me know if the furor has died down yet.

    I feel like for the longest time 80% of the posts on these subreddits were titles like “I just read (Insert series title here) by Brandon Sanderson and OMG. What next?” Of course they’d get told to read all the rest of his books, follow his YT account, recommended to read Robert Jordan’s books next if they haven’t already, etc. 🙄

    My next swipe left is the person that LOVES Robert Jordan’s books.

  • Yeahhh. I used to read a lot of m/m, but this was back in the beginning of the genre when the writers were using pseudonyms to pretend they were men. I had to stop when I realized that these were all written by women and just how problematically bigoted and racist 99% of these women actually were.

    I was super into the book reviewing community at the time and there was this huge brouhaha over the writers being outed. The writers then doubled down saying that women should be the ones writing this genre instead of men since it’s specifically for women, and that there’s no issue with women objectifying men in the ways they were doing it. They continued to say so after gay men spoke up about how they thought it was wrong. It was (and I’m sure still is) super gross.