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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 17th, 2023


  • Oksana51@alien.topBto90 Day FianceYohan taking money.
    11 months ago

    They are both liars, so there’s that…every time Danielle talks about trust in a relationship, I want to smack her two ways to Sunday because she has been lying all thru their relationship. I personally think that Yohan was trying to slowly filter out as much cash as he could get away with…can’t help but wonder if it is going to the new business he & his cousin? have started before he checks out…they are both trash

  • Leaving Luis out of this because he was a piece of sh*t… Molly is so full of it and if she were honest, she would admit that she was attracted to Kelly in uniform and that went out the window when he retired. Then because he was retired, he didn’t live up to her expectation of being her cook, butler, care giver and chief bottle washer. She was looking to find fault with everything he did.

    All you had to do was listen to her condescending tone in Last Resort, it’s likely why and how she lost her best friend Cynthia…Her best friend & business partner saw a ton and if they are not speaking that should pretty much tell you a lot.

    Remember Kelly said in one episode to the effect of " she wouldn’t treat me the way she did if she cared", something like that…I don’t buy her victim portrayal.

  • Oksana51@alien.topBto90 Day FianceManuel
    11 months ago

    Okay Ashley…Manuel comes with his kit bag and not a pot to piss in, doesn’t get your witchdom, dog needs to be outside, doesn’t like cats and telling you that you have no voice because he’s the man, I don’t care how long you have known him, use a crystal to stave off his negativity and kick him to the curb…not a great catch girl…