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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023

  • Currently reading it. Should have it finished today. I’ll admit it was an absolute slog in the beginning but felt rewarded as I pushed through. The questions it asks of morality along side my knowledge (though limited) of Russian philosophy of that era made this book something I’ve been unable to stop thinking about for the last few days now.

    I think in the beginning the characters were a road block for me. I still don’t really care much for them outside Porfiry Petrovich who is awesome. I know he’s not Russian but I couldn’t help but picture him as Christoph Waltz. Or someone with his style of on screen charisma. However once the themes started showing themselves the genius of this book really came out on full display. I think I’m going to read The Long Ships by Frans G Benngtson next but The Brothers Karamazov will definitely be after that.

    All this is to say that despite what that guy is saying. I’m a huge nerd for stuff like A song of Ice and Fire but I still think classic literature is amazing and totally worth reading!