There are a few Agatha Christie novels where she gives you enough clues to know that it’s any of these five or so people, but usually nothing that will rule out any of those five. Kind of a strength of her writing. You can just imagine her revelling in messing with the reader …
If I remember correctly, Cormoran Strike #3 really gives you the clues you need to pin the baddie … In Cormoran Strike #6 you’re given plenty of options, plenty of evidence, and in my case, actively want to look deeper into it. Kind of feel like the author was more comfortable with that novel than any of the earlier ones and just enjoyed writing the twists and turns.
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson >!has the rapist/murderer psychopath villain antagonist being chased by the protagonists. At which point the antogonist (deliberately) crashes his car and dies.!<
As a reader, there’s less satisfaction in this than pretty much any other options. In the US film version, it’s incredibly anti-climactic. I’ve always found it an odd choice.