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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 17th, 2023


  • Honestly hard disagree. Ender’s Game is a book I found compelling but not enjoyable, and part of that was that I felt like if I had OSC as a roommate I’d wake up one morning with his teeth on my throat. I read only that book and if I knew he lived in my area I’d have bought a gun.

    I don’t know what everyone else was reading, but I read the only scifi book ever where aliens are trying to destroy humanity and i’m thinking ‘thank christ someone is killing these fuckers. I don’t know when they arrived on earth, murdered all the inhabitants and started wearing their skin and pretending to be humans but it’s freaking me out’.

    It’s not about empathy or compassion. Those are things Ender has because OSC was told once (I hope from the other side of thick glass) that those are things good humans have and so OSC’s character must have the most of that. It’s a book about how some people are just born naturally superior to other people and those others fall naturally in line to their amazingness, because normal humans are pathetic loathsome creatures that need a superior saviour to guide them out of ignorance. Which is why I was seemingly the only person not shocked at all that Ender’s brother becomes KING OF SPACE without effort.

    Ugh. Just ugh. Ender’s Game creeped me the fuck out from start to finish.