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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 15th, 2023


  • I’m not counting DNFs because I feel like that’s cheating but I have four books I need to get some feelings out about.

    The Witching Tide by Margaret Meyer.

    A historical fiction about the witch trials in England. Amazing idea, terrible execution. The FMC dissociates at key plot points so you don’t actually get a resolution, you just find it out at the end which made me so mad.

    The Witch King by Martha Wells

    I’m still not sure what happened in this book. The blurb on the back sounded so good and yet the writing style was so bad. IMO split timelines don’t work for fantasy books that require a lot of world building. If it had be a linear timeline the whole reading experience would have been so much better.

    No God’s No Monsters by Cadwell Turnbull.

    Another book I just didn’t understand what was going on. It’s like a paranormal literary fiction. Once again, amazing ideas, terrible writing style. I really should just give up on literary fiction. I’m not smart enough for them.

    The Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlene Harris.

    These were just plain bad. I suffered through the first 3 and then stopped reading them. Even the show I stopped watching after season 3. Sookie as a character is so annoying I wish one of the vampires would just eat her. As a romance reader I’m so tired of the trope where a petite blond women has a magical fanny that makes all these “big bad” men fall in love and will rip each other throats out over.

  • I’m not counting DNFs because I feel like that’s cheating but I have four books I need to get some feelings out about.

    The Witching Tide by Margaret Meyer.

    A historical fiction about the witch trials in England. Amazing idea, terrible execution. The FMC dissociates at key plot points so you don’t actually get a resolution, you just find it out at the end which made me so mad.

    The Witch King by Martha Wells

    I’m still not sure what happened in this book. The blurb on the back sounded so good and yet the writing style was so bad. IMO split timelines don’t work for fantasy books that require a lot of world building. If it had be a linear timeline the whole reading experience would have been so much better.

    No God’s No Monsters by Cadwell Turnbull.

    Another book I just didn’t understand what was going on. It’s like a paranormal literary fiction. Once again, amazing ideas, terrible writing style. I really should just give up on literary fiction. I’m not smart enough for them.

    The Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlene Harris.

    These were just plain bad. I suffered through the first 3 and then stopped reading them. Even the show I stopped watching after season 3. Sookie as a character is so annoying I wish one of the vampires would just eat her. As a romance reader I’m so tired of the trope where a petite blond women has a magical fanny that makes all these “big bad” men fall in love and will rip each other throats out over.

  • I’ve read 45 pages of forth wing and put it down. I will prob return it to the library without finishing it. I actually thought it was a debut novel because of the writing style. It just felt so ham fisted. I don’t think I can do it for 500+ pages. It felt very YA and as far as I can tell it’s not classified as YA. I’m kinda in a fantasy reading slump at the moment so I might try it again in the future but it’s a no for now.