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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2023

  • Why do you think women can’t relate to The Old Man and the Sea?

    Because it’s from a male perspective? Because it’s about a fisherman? Because it’s about physical and mental anguish? Because it’s about our bodies being unable to do what they once could in our younger years? Because it’s about the struggle to survive?

    I’m not asking to be sassy. I genuinely don’t get what about the book you think women couldn’t relate to. Would you not be able to relate to a book about a woman and her struggles?

  • fuckit_sowhat@alien.topBtoBooksHow to remember what you read?
    10 months ago

    I have tips, but it feels like doing a school assignment sometimes so I don’t utilize it all the time.

    Write a summary or review of what you’ve read every quarter of the book and then once finished write a full summary/review of the book.

    This will generally help you remember more details for longer and it can be used as a reminder of what you liked and disliked if you forget.

    I’ve often found myself regretting I didn’t write a review when I go to recommend books because I only have that atmosphere or a few details to go off.

  • All of your criticisms are probably valid and accurate. I’m too biased to give proper feedback because I find Mandel’s writing to be so atmospheric and engrossing that I almost don’t care what the plot is about. I start one of her books and am done with it before I realize how long I’ve been sitting there. Any book that can make me forget about time and the real world is a good book to me.

  • fuckit_sowhat@alien.topBtoBooksHow Do I Return Wayward Books
    10 months ago

    When my mother was in her 50s an old friend sent her a check in the mail with an apology letter stating she had stolen some books from her house when they were in their 20s. My mother had zero recollection of these books and was kind of sad her friend had carried this guilt around for so long about something my mother would have happily given her.

    She cashed the check and bought used books her friend would like and mailed them with a note that said, “You can always steal my books.”

    So yeah, if you return those stolen books it might lead to a rekindling of friendship or a box full of gently used paperbacks, but you will have done the morally right thing regardless of the outcome.