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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 10th, 2023

  • Nothing But Blackened Teeth by Cassandra Khaw. My first book of theirs and the only good thing I could say about that poorly-written mess of purple prose and obnoxious characters is: at least it was short. I’ve enjoyed other work of theirs that seemed more fitted to their writing style (Hammers on Bone) but I found NBBT incredibly obnoxious.

  • Nothing But Blackened Teeth by Cassandra Khaw. My first book of theirs and the only good thing I could say about that poorly-written mess of purple prose and obnoxious characters is: at least it was short. I’ve enjoyed other work of theirs that seemed more fitted to their writing style (Hammers on Bone) but I found NBBT incredibly obnoxious.

  • Came here to say The Gone World. I love how the time travel works in that book (spoilers) >!You can travel forward any length of time, but only ever return to the moment you departed (i.e. you can never travel back in time from your “present”). When you travel forward, you create a “branch” reality in which you were absent/missing for whatever span of time you jump forward. The branch ceases to exist when you return to the present, since you return to living in the present and affecting events. This leads to some people who are aware of time travel trying to imprison time travelers, to prevent their branch from being destroyed and themselves/their loved ones from “dying.” Another version of them may exist in the “main” timeline, but are they the same person? Will they meet and fall in love with the same person? Will the children they have even exist? It’s a really interesting take on time travel and causality. !<