It is not YA, but this author has written other books that are YA. I’ve noticed that female authors who write both adult and YA books frequently end up having their adult books be called YA even when they aren’t.
It is not YA, but this author has written other books that are YA. I’ve noticed that female authors who write both adult and YA books frequently end up having their adult books be called YA even when they aren’t.
The Twilight series. This was 15 years ago and I have been a voracious reader ever since. I actually always associate it with this time of year because I read the first book in November right before Thanksgiving and one of my fondest memories is how my mom sneaked out to B&N to buy the next two books for me as a surprise, so I spent Thanksgiving break devouring them (along with turkey, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie!).
These books will always hold a special place in my heart because they gave me that spark to read for pleasure even though I have read hundreds of better books since then.