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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 17th, 2023


  • I think that’s a case of the people who read a lot skewing the average higher, because there are a LOT of people who read 100 books (especially people who only read romance/thrillers/mysteries/YA, genres that are usually easy to read & fast paced).

    I know a few people that read, but besides myself & a close friend those people read probably a few books a month at most. Everyone else I know doesn’t read, or only reads a book or two on vacation.

  • This season has my BF captivated. Idk what it is, but the Nikki/Igor, Rob/Sophie & Jasmine/Gino (who he’s seen since the beginning lol) storylines just pull him in like crazy. We’re over here nearly yelling at the screen over Rob’s nonsense!

    Looking forward to next week because I’m really curious to see Nick’s reaction to small town Arkansas and see if they stay a relatively normal couple. Also… curious what Nikki will say to Igor’s parents… I’m assuming a whole lot of what the rest of us view as foot in mouth moments.

  • I had this one particular assignment that made me loathe Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison.

    The assignment was a chart with about 15 common themes/topics (black & white, birds, women, etc) and you had to mark down five to ten examples of each theme per chapter. This was impossible for some of the chapters as certain topics just did not come up at all, not even in a metaphorical way and when I asked about what to do in those cases I was repeatedly told to just ‘figure it out’ or ‘yes there are look closer’ (even though multiple students brought it up). I swear to you some of the topics were so niche that this was literally impossible, so I began to hate the book because of this stupid assignment.

    Now that I’m waaaay into the future I realize it was a common theme for the teacher to assign assignments like this where you were better off just making stuff up to actually pass than trying to do it correctly. I haven’t reread the book but I’m sure it’s a fine book, I just had an awful teacher.