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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 26th, 2023


  • I love The Way We Live Now. Melmotte and the exploration of how con artists in the 19th century used people’s greed against them is brilliantly done. It’s such a modern novel - influence, lies, cupidity, business, gossip, fraud and posturing.

    I don’t actually like Roger Carbury all that much. It works out all right in the end, but he’s really creepy about Hetta at first. I adore Felix - he’s just one of the best dissolute ne’er do wells in fiction! Lady Carbury is splendidly persistent - she knows she’s not a great writer but she keeps on using her title, her small talent and her feminine wiles to get her as far as she can go. And Mrs Hurtle is magnificent and a bit terrifying.

    Everyone is grasping and struggling and I love it.

    I think Dickens’ novel Our Mutual Friend hits some of the same notes, but Dickens is much more scathing and personal about it.