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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 22nd, 2023

  • I have no interest in the Korean guy and the white girl or the guinea pig dude and his girl so I’m only gonna be commenting on the obvious annoying couples in this season.

    Jasmine and Gino

    I’m sure we’ve all seen Jasmine and Gino’s shenanigans in previous seasons and spinoffs, so the way they’re acting does not surprise me at all, only this time it seems way more overdramatic/fake. Before, it was pretty entertaining, fake or not, but now its just becoming annoying. I literally have to skip through their scenes because I know at some point Jasmine is gonna start screaming and crying about something absolutely not worth screaming and crying about, and Gino is just gonna sit back and watch with that annoying little weird face and nasally/squeaky voice. It’s all just a gimmick. Plus, in my opinion, Jasmine actually seems sane off-camera/off the show. If any of you have seen her go live on TikTok or her behavior at the Tell-Alls, you’ll know what I mean – that’s how I know at this point the two of them are just milking it for views.

    Manuel and Ashley

    They’re both insufferable, but as a black woman, I can’t help but always side-eye Manuel whenever he mentions Ashley always having a temper or always blowing up. I keep wondering if he’s just feeding into the stereotype that black women are always angry and yelling. And even if her individual personality is truly like that, the way he words it always is a little off to me. Additionally, I hate that he keeps acting like her anger at him isn’t justified in 99% of what we’ve been shown of them. It’s so annoying. His behavior is so douchebag-like that I can’t even feel sympathy for Ashley anymore either, though. He’s playing you girl, and if not, he’s definitely not in love with you. I’m not even sure how she’s “in love” with him either. Please just break up.

    Nikki and Justin/Igor

    I can’t lie, my opinion of these two switches with every scene. At first, I wasn’t on board with everyone piling onto Nikki because some of what y’all say on here borders more on the transphobic side. I understand not liking her because of her insane plastic surgery procedures, but a lot of the insults here go beyond that and I think some of you are definitely trying to beat around the bush so as to not get banned. However, I do feel for Justigor…or, well, I did until seeing he’s not the best human either (iykyk). I don’t know. I was also surprised to see that Justigor was actually 20 years old when he met Nikki and she was 30. It’s a ten-year gap, and while I agree that he was still pretty young, the comments here had me thinking he was like freshly 18 when they met! Either way, they too need to just break up. Nikki is clearly unfulfilled in the relationship and I think we all know that if she wasn’t trans and was a “real” woman, they would not be having all these struggles with their sex life – Justigor would be all over her just as he was when they first got together, like, let’s stop acting dense. I am not sure why Nikki revealed that she was trans during an argument as some kind of rebuttal; however, I am not trans, and I do know that a lot of trans people do not disclose they’re trans due to fear of their safety which is obviously reasonable. How a trans person decides to disclose that they’re trans is not my business, but surely revealing it during an argument can’t be the greatest way.

    Sophie (?) and Rob

    I could say more about these two than Nikki and Justigor because they piss me off the most. Rob is a misogynistic, egotistical, arrogant, broke, annoying POS. Words cannot explain the rage I felt in the beginning episodes where he talked about purposely bringing Sophie into a lifestyle she’s not used to in an attempt to “bring her back down to earth.” For some reason, broke men love to find any way to humble a woman who comes from a life of luxury/money and for the life of me, I cannot understand it. Just find a woman who’s on your level financially, for gods sake! There are plenty of beautiful women out there who aren’t from a rich/upscale life, why go after the rich girl and then try and reverse what she’s used to?! Just leave her alone! But even if Rob did find a woman on his level, he cannot possibly expect any sane and self-respecting woman to tolerate the BS Sophie is tolerating right now. I mean, no bathroom inside the apartment!!! Be serious! That absolutely is the bare minimum and has nothing to do with being “bougie”. I am also not sure why Rob insists on staying broke, either! You live in LA! You need to be at least attempting to work your butt off to afford an apartment that at least looks better than that! Bro can barely support himself and expects Sophie to stay with him. Please get a grip! However, I can’t really feel bad for Sophie anymore because why are you allowing yourself to go through that?! Besides not providing the proper lifestyle you deserve and are used to, he’s a giant misogynist and cheater! Please open your eyes girl…surely there are better looking men in England willing to give you princess treatment! Also, Sophie 100% looks white. Rob does look interracial, but when I first saw Sophie, I would not have guessed in a million years that she was mixed with anything lol.