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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 8th, 2023

  • I love the audiodrama version and urge you to give that a try. I cannot imagine that WtNV translates at all well into novel form (and am kind of confused about why they’d even try that), but it’s fantastic to listen to. My only issue is how many fucking ADS are in there and it’s made me loathe Joseph Fink, which kind of sours the whole experience. Probably 1/3 of each episode is ads… but yeah, I still recommend you give it a listen

  • Little Secrets by Jennifer Hillier. Utter misogynistic garbage with a whopping score of 4.2 on Goodreads.

    I am so sick of these books about high-achieving girl boss women who we are told are hardcore feminists but are the exact opposite in their actions. The worst part is that I’m not quite sure that the authors even realize they’re doing this. And this is the worst example.

    Question: you’re a badass ~girl boss~ superstar and your husband has cheated on you once in the past. You find out he’s cheating a second time. Do you:

    a) Divorce or at least lay the blame on your piece of shit husband, since he’s the one responsible for his behavior in your marriage and it’s clearly HIS problem, especially since he’s cheated in the past; or

    b) Hire someone to kill the woman he’s cheating with. Because eliminating that beyotch will clearly fix everything and it’s not like this hasn’t happened before and you might want to consider that this is your husband’s issue.

    I’ll let you guess which option the wife chooses. The other option isn’t even really brought up in the book, which is why I wonder if the misogyny is unintentional on the author’s part…

  • I literally started and DNF’d this yesterday. I only check reviews after I’ve read or given up on a book, so I was astounded when I checked Goodreads and saw that it has a score of 4.2/5. It was sort of infuriating to see *this* rated so highly when other more deserving, actually well-written books tend to hover around 3.7. It’s so baffling.