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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2023

  • I wasn’t lamenting the fact that I didn’t know about her dark mysterious past, I was saying it’s an over used trope, one amongst many. And my bad, they were just eye fucking by the end of the book, but of course we needed a couple extra books of “will they, won’t they?”.

    If you like the books that’s great. I, and a lot of other people, find them to be poorly written. The world building had a great starting point but falls apart the first time it’s questioned. If they managed to put bandaids on it through the series and come up with a decent explanation for things working then good for them. Everything else could have come from an Urban Fantasy Romance ad-lib. The series was sold as an action packed Urban Fantasy, and instead I got a generic UF romance novel and the biggest change from the formula that has been done over and over was that the love interest is a werelion instead of werewolf.

  • Magic Bites by Illona Andrews

    It was highly recommended many times in a Facebook group for the Dresden Files. It was sold as this amazing Urban Fantasy book written by a husband and wife, so you get awesome action scenes from the husband and great characters and story from the wife!

    Instead you got this weird world where magic and tech take turns working. Sounds cool, except it doesn’t actually work like that. Magical creatures are still active while tech is in control, and things like cell phones still work, unless plot convenient, during magic phases. Why? When someone asks the MC she says, “We’ll, no one really understands cell phones and they feel like magic, so they still work during magic, but people also know they’re tech so they also work during tech.” What the actual fuck.

    The MC seems to have been written by checking off boxes on a list of over used tropes. Bad ass strong independent woman? Check. All the men in the book fall for her? Check. Dark mysterious past? Check. Secret bloodline that makes her super duper special? Check. Somehow tougher than literal supernatural beings like werewolves, vampires, and demons? Check check check.

    We even get a scene where she walks into a werebeast den, walks up to the pack leader (a werelion, the strongest of all were creatures), tells him to suck her dick and do what she says. He threatens to kill her if she disrespects him again, she does it 3 more times in the next sentence, and spends the rest of the book telling him to suck her dick every third sentence, with every second sentence being how bad ass she is. Of course by the end of the book they’re dating cause who could resist her charms?

    I finished the book, but man it never got better. I thought the world and everything were really cool and a great spin on the Urban Fantasy genre, but even that was ruined by stupid hand wave logic. 0/10, would not recommend.

  • Magic Bites by Illona Andrews

    It was highly recommended many times in a Facebook group for the Dresden Files. It was sold as this amazing Urban Fantasy book written by a husband and wife, so you get awesome action scenes from the husband and great characters and story from the wife!

    Instead you got this weird world where magic and tech take turns working. Sounds cool, except it doesn’t actually work like that. Magical creatures are still active while tech is in control, and things like cell phones still work, unless plot convenient, during magic phases. Why? When someone asks the MC she says, “We’ll, no one really understands cell phones and they feel like magic, so they still work during magic, but people also know they’re tech so they also work during tech.” What the actual fuck.

    The MC seems to have been written by checking off boxes on a list of over used tropes. Bad ass strong independent woman? Check. All the men in the book fall for her? Check. Dark mysterious past? Check. Secret bloodline that makes her super duper special? Check. Somehow tougher than literal supernatural beings like werewolves, vampires, and demons? Check check check.

    We even get a scene where she walks into a werebeast den, walks up to the pack leader (a werelion, the strongest of all were creatures), tells him to suck her dick and do what she says. He threatens to kill her if she disrespects him again, she does it 3 more times in the next sentence, and spends the rest of the book telling him to suck her dick every third sentence, with every second sentence being how bad ass she is. Of course by the end of the book they’re dating cause who could resist her charms?

    I finished the book, but man it never got better. I thought the world and everything were really cool and a great spin on the Urban Fantasy genre, but even that was ruined by stupid hand wave logic. 0/10, would not recommend.

  • Night Angel: Nemesis by Brent Weeks

    I was so excited for a new book in the Night Angel series but it felt like Kyler forgot 90% of everything he knew in the space of a few months. He went from slaughtering mages and elite soldiers by the dozens to not being able to handle a single mage 1v1. At one point a fucking fish was a huge threat. That and spoiler how one of Justine’s babies was. It was literally spelled out to him at the end of Beyond the Shadows that Elene’s baby had been transferred to Justine, but it’s not until the end of NA:N that he seems to realize one of the babies is his.

    I have a myriad of other complaints, but Kyler getting nerfed and becoming incompetent just chapped my ass.