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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 12th, 2023


  • Former middle school teacher and yes, it is very challenging to have everyone read their own chosen book when trying to teach concepts that every student has to learn. ELA’s not just about reading, so the book chosen has to serve multiple purposes and often act as an anchor for a unit based on a more universal theme or skills being taught.

    My approach was always to choose several novels we’d read together, at least one small group unit where 3 or 4 kids would read a novel they chose together, have at least one unit that involved short stories, and then assign one or two completely individual at-home novels that could be anything the student wanted.

    A caveat: As a middle school teacher in my particular district I got more leeway to do what I pleased—as long as we covered the standards—than a lot of teachers do. Many (if not most) teachers have little say in what they have to assign because of district chosen curriculum. And high school teachers have to get kids graduating with the assumption that they will need certain background information to take college level English, and those profs need kids to already have a cursory knowledge of authors like Shakespeare in order to build and deepen knowledge.